Best form of magnesium for sleep
Best form of magnesium for sleep

best form of magnesium for sleep

Magnesium plays a role in relieving many issues that may contribute to poor sleep including muscle tension, stress and anxiousness. Taking vitamin D also changes the amount of magnesium you may need to take because magnesium is involved in vitamin D absorption.Drinking alcohol reduces the amount of magnesium your body absorbs.The relationship between stress and magnesium is tricky because the more stressed you become the more magnesium your body wastes, but if you are low in magnesium, that deficiency can contribute to a stronger stress response.We don’t eat enough foods that are high in magnesium to meet our daily intake requirements.The natural magnesium in groundwater is filtered out before making it to our faucets.Only 16% of the magnesium in whole wheat makes it through processing into wheat flour. The soils that our foods are grown in are becoming depleted of magnesium, and even when foods should contain natural magnesium it often gets filtered out in processing.The trouble is that most of us are deficient in magnesium. In fact, magnesium is involved in almost every system in the body. Magnesium is a macro-mineral that plays key roles in mental and physical health, as well as mental and physical relaxation. But one thing you might not have considered is taking magnesium for sleep. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to having trouble sleeping, including too much blue light before bedtime, irregular bedtimes, stress, lack of exercise, or any number of other potential factors. 2 Getting too little sleep can also affect your mood, make you less productive, and make you more likely to have an accident. According to reports from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who don’t get enough sleep have a higher risk for many health problems including issues related to weight, blood pressure, heart health and mental health.

best form of magnesium for sleep

Are you among the 60 million Americans that rarely get a restful night of sleep? 1 If so, it could be harming your health.

Best form of magnesium for sleep